Tuesday, March 21, 2000

Updated CD Errata, More STL Seminar Info, Pending Mailing List Change

In preparation for the next printing of the Effective C++ CD, I've updated
the CD's Errata Page (http://www.aristeia.com/BookErrata/cd1e-errata.html)
to include my latest changes.

Also, I'm increasingly excited about the Effective STL Seminar I'll be
hosting June 7-9, because last week I got a chance to teach the
brand-spanking-new material for the first time. The course was
enthusiastically received, but of course I'll be tinkering with things here
and there so that future presentations are even better. For example, I'm
working on a special handout on card stock that will summarize all 70+ STL
algorithms. I'll be teaching the course again at a corporate site at least
one more time before June, so by the time the "real" seminar rolls around,
I expect to have things pretty well refined. For details on the June
seminar, please visit http://www.trekservices.com/estl/.

Also on the topic of the June seminar, some people have requested a fourth
day of STLification, to take place Saturday, June 10. I'm willing to work
on a Saturday if you are, so if you're interested in an additional day (at
an additional cost -- we're still working on the details), be sure to let
Nancy Pastrano know when you register.

Finally, my ISP has decided to discontinue its support for mailing lists,
so sometime in the next few weeks, I'll be moving my mailing list to
someplace else. Already, I see, my archive of old messages seems to be
gone. Sigh. When I know more, I'll let you know, and I apologize for the
