Sunday, May 8, 2011

Presentation Materials from ACCU Talks Now Available

Silly me. When I posted about the availability of videos of my ACCU talks, I forgot to also make available the presentation materials for those talks, even though in the talks I say I'll send copies to anybody who asks me for them.  Let's skip the you asking me and me sending them to you, okay?  Instead, just download them directly:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blog posts now reflected to Twitter

If you're interested in knowing about new posts to this blog, but your preferred notification mechanism is twitter, you'll be pleased to know that I've set up a twitter account, and I've arranged for blog posts here to be reflected there. This is, at least for the time being, the only use I plan to make of twitter.

At twitter, I'm @Scott__Meyers, i.e.,


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Videos from ACCU Talks Now Available

The fine folks behind the 2011 ACCU Conference recorded my technical presentations, and those videos are now online as follows:
Viewing these videos is the next best thing to having been to the sessions, provided your definition of the next best thing includes having a seat at the extreme left end of Row 1. The video is nothing to tweet home about (especially if you want to read the text on the slides), but the audio is quite nice. One thing you're likely to find attractive is that the way the video is exposed, I'm hidden much of the time.



Monday, May 2, 2011

Updated C++0x Training Materials Published

In April of last year, I announced the publication of my training materials on C++0x.  In trying to win your interest, I wrote:
In some ways, they're better than a book. They make more extensive use of color, they "cut out the fat" to focus on the technical essentials, and my licensing terms grant buyers unlimited updates for life: as long as I update the materials, buyers are entitled to a revised version for free.
I published updates last May and August, but I decided to hold off on publishing additional revisions until C++0x had settled down.  With ratification of the FDIS in March, that settling has occurred, so I've updated my training materials to correspond to the essentially-final draft standard.  The revised version of my materials also includes all the modifications I've made based on my experience using them for professional training purposes, so the latest incarnation should be both the most accurate ever as well as the clearest and most useful.

If you've purchased a copy of the materials, you should already have received notification from Artima Press on how to download the latest PDF. If you haven't purchased a copy, but you've been thinking you'd like to learn more about C++0x, maybe this is the time to give my materials a try.  You can download the first ~25 pages as a free sample at the materials' sales page.

I hope you find these revised materials on C++0x useful.
