Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Updated Versions of EC++/3E and EMC++

New printings of Effective C++, Third Edition and Effective Modern C++ have recently been published by Addison-Wesley and O'Reilly, respectively. Both printings include fixes for all the errata that had been reported through December, though a couple of bug reports for EMC++ have since trickled in, sigh. For EC++/3E, the new printing is number 17. For EMC++, it's 10.

If you purchased digital copies of these books from the publisher, you should be able to log in to your account and download the latest versions. (O'Reilly customers should have received a notification to this effect. AW doesn't seem to tell people when new printings are available for download.)

If you purchase print copies of these books, I encourage you to make sure you're getting the latest versions. I have copies of the latest printings, so I know they exist in print form.

I hope you enjoy the latest revisions of these books. They should be the best versions yet.
