There's lots going on in the Effective Modern C++ 'verse these days. Behind the scenes, I'm gearing up to revise the book for an upcoming forth printing, during which I hope to make a big dent in the list of known errata, but in the meantime, please note the following:
- The Effective Modern C++ Sample Page has been updated to include a new sample Item. This time it's
Item 14: Declare functions noexcept if they won't emit exceptions.
As with the previous sample Items, this is the final version of preliminary material I published on my blog for community feedback, most recently about a year ago.

- On March 31, I'll be doing a live webcast covering material from the book's chapter on the C++11 concurrency API. The Item I'll be officially discussing is Item 39, "Consider void futures for one-shot event communication," but the presentation will include information from other Items, as well. For details on the webcast and to sign up (it's free), mosey on over to the webcast's official page.

- Through March 25, O'Reilly is running a C++ promotion that makes digital versions of its C++ titles available for 50% off. To take advantage of this opportunity to cut my royalties in half, follow this link.